Gay men can train as priests but don’t flaunt it — Italy Church

In Italy, new guidelines approved by the Vatican allow homosexual men to train as Catholic priests, with the condition that they do not actively support the gay culture. The Italian Bishops’ Conference guidelines emphasize celibacy but permit gay men to attend seminaries for priestly training. However, those who openly display their homosexuality are to be excluded.

The guidelines address individuals with homosexual tendencies who are considering or pursuing a path to priesthood. It states that while the Church respects these individuals, it cannot admit those who practice homosexuality or strongly advocate for the gay culture. The primary objective of training priests is to instill the ability to embrace and live a chaste life in celibacy as a choice.

These guidelines have received Vatican approval and align with Pope Francis’ efforts to foster a more inclusive Roman Catholic Church, including for LGBTQ Catholics. Despite the Church’s official stance that same-sex acts are “intrinsically disordered,” Pope Francis has shown openness and acceptance towards LGBTQ individuals seeking faith.

The new guidelines aim to provide clarity and eliminate discrimination within the Church regarding gay candidates for seminary. They mark a significant step forward in acknowledging that eligibility for seminary should not solely be based on sexual orientation but on an individual’s ability to lead a healthy, celibate life.